Hare Krsna. Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please take a look at your dashboard in the Sadhu Sanga mobile app to view your hotel and room assignment. This is only applicable for devotees who have paid for accommodation. If you click on the room number, then you’ll get more details about the hotel, the room, the amenities, address, etc. Please verify all intended family members show up in your dashboard. Please note that there are no walk-ins. So if you know of anyone planning to get a day pass by walking into the event, please let them know that even day passes have to be bought ahead of time through the app latest by May 15 midnight PDT. If you have any questions or concerns about your hotel assignment, please let us know by 8 PM PDT on Wednesday, May 15 as we have to submit the final rooming list to all the hotels by that time. In case you missed the previous email on parking, please check out https://mailchi.mp/5e26a39096cc/liberation-from-parking-pass?e=d658a74224 Next week, we will send detailed instructions for checking in at the hotels as well as checking in with us to receive your wristband which is required for access to the kirtan and prasadam halls. your servants, Govinda caran das & Rasika siromani dasi. |